General Information
Sessions and Hours:The minimum number of sessions per week is three mornings. Over the age of three years, children should attend the full five mornings to obtain maximum benefit from the Montessori curriculum. The school is open from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday, with a mid morning break. Holiday periods are in line with other private schools in the area.
School terms:We have three terms a year, each between 11 to 12 weeks long. Half term is one week.
School Outings:Outings are arranged each term to venues such as theatres, farms and parks. Once a year we organise a charity toddle combined with a sport’s day for children and their families.
UniformLadybird T-shirts and sweatshirts are optional but are required to be worn for outings and school photographs. Children need to be dressed in comfortable clothing for ease of management by both staff and child. MembershipsWe are members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance (UK) and The Montessori Schools Association. Employer’s Nursery VouchersWe accept employer’s nursery vouchers. The school fees should always be paid in advance before the first day of the term. SnacksThe midmorning snacks are provided by parents. Fresh fruits and vegetables are offered to the children as well as water and milk. | Prospective parentsPlease e-mail or telephone to arrange an appointment to view the school. AdmissionTo enrol your child, please submit the registration form and then we will include your child’s name to our waiting list. If a place is available, you will receive a confirmatory letter stating your child’s date of entry.
RegistrationTo register your child, please complete the registration form attached and send the fee to our school address with a cheque or money transfer. Inclusion PolicyIt is the policy of the school to follow the SEND Code of Practice 2014 on the identification and assessment of special educational needs and disabilities, to provide welcome and appropriate learning opportunities for all children. We are willing to work in liaison with staff outside the school, including therapists, health visitors, psychologists, social workers, paediatricians, etc., to meet and help children’s specific needs. Child Protection PolicyThis policy aims to provide all members of staff (paid and unpaid), children and their families with a clear and secure framework for ensuring that all children in the nursery are protected from harm, both while at school and when off the school premises. As a school, Ladybird Montessori School believes in supporting all aspects of children’s development and learning, and keeping children safe. The team play a crucial role in helping to identify welfare concerns, and indicators of possible abuse or neglect, at an early stage. We have a designated child protection officer (DCPO) who attends multi-agency training at least once every two years. Health & SafetyThe school must be advised as soon as possible when a child is absent through ill-health. This is particularly important with common childhood illnesses. A child must not return to school until the infectious period is over. Safety checks are made every day before the children arrive. Hygiene is part of the childrens’ training and is carefully monitored. Any accidents are recorded and parents are informed. At least one of the staff on duty has First Aid Training. |
Diary Dates | Term Dates | Contact DetailsLadybird Montessori School